Event click through tracking & conversion statistics

How to use Referral URL 

The referral link tracking essentially is a basic form of creating unique URL's for you to use in various situations to track successful completed bookings (marketing success tracking, Facebook etc).

Please see below a couple of instructions on how to create a tracking URL.

  1. Click here https://race-nation.co.uk/ to login to your account
  2. Go to the Organisation that you wish to create the Tracking URL on
  3. Scroll down and on the left hand side of your screen select the Referral URLS item
  4. In the Add a new tracking label box create a label specific to the tracking and click  Add- i.e "Facebook - event name "
  5. Click Get URL next to the new tracking link you have created and fill in the options of Event, Series etc and then the specific event to track. This will create your tracking link.
  6. Select Copy link and use this as the registration destination when setting up the third party ad or giving the link to any third party destinations you wish to track successfully registrations from.

When entrants follow this new link they will be shown the exact registration page that is set up for general use. If a booking is completed during this journey we will track this as 1 completed entry and display this in the link tracking area.

We do also track abandoned journeys through that link too, but do require a certain level of data to be input before we mark it as an abandoned journey.

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