Using Discount Codes


  1. Add the required ticket to your basket and complete your details;
  2. Click the Submit button at the bottom of the registration page;
  3. You will be taken to the Billings Information page and on the right hand side of the screen Apply a Discount box will appear at the bottom of your basket; 
  4. Enter the code and click Apply, this will then reduce the prices according to what the discount value is i.e. 100% or fixed £20.00; and
  5. You will then be able to complete your transaction.

Mobile App

  1. Open the RaceNation app on your mobile and search for the event you wish to enter;
  2. Once you have found your event, select Register to be taken to the event website;
  3. Add the required ticket to your basket, click on the basket icon and select Checkout;
  4. Complete your details and click the Submit button at the bottom of the registration page;
  5. Once you have been redirected to the Billing details page, select View basket and you will be able to see the Apply a Discount box at the bottom of your basket; 
  6. Enter the code and click Apply, this will then reduce the prices according to what the discount value is i.e. 100% or fixed £20.00; and
  7. You will then be able to complete your transaction.

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